Monday, March 31, 2008

Thing 4. Photosharing with Flickr

I set up my Flickr account a few weeks ago and got a photo posted (also seen here). Today I went back in and added tags. But when I search "Everyone's Photos," mine doesn't come up in the results list even though my keywords are my tags. ??? I thought this would be an easy one, but I need to play more with Flickr.

I was a big fan of Yahoo! Photo, but not long ago they shut down. They were kind enough to move my photos wherever I wanted them, though. I chose Kodak Gallery over Flickr because it seemed better for creating albums and personal photo storage. I am definitely interested in exploring photo sharing tools more.

(I tried editing a blog post for the first time and was successful! The image was gigantic the first time I posted it.)

I'm Back!

Life got busy ... The Things were put on the back burner. But we're back in business and I'm going to make a renewed effort on this project. (Thanks for your comment, Ann.)

I did check my RSS feeds a few times, but it's not my favorite tool. I could see RSS being useful if we were allowed to feed it into our intranet site, but there may be firewall issues. Also there's not a way to really focus on news we want to share with our clients. But it's good to know this tool exists.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thing 3. Set Up an RSS Account & Add Feeds

I have tried this one before, a few years ago. Perhaps because I like to browse, it's not really my thing. But I set up links to different new sources and some of my colleagues' blogs. Now we'll see if I remember to check in periodically!